If you are thinking of going for a long period of tent camping or backpacking, then you will probably need to think carefully about the food you need. Cooking and storing food means that you have to think more practically. You have to plan things related to nutrition and storage all the time keeping things light and convenient. If you're new to camping out, or have never camped for a long period, then here's some tips on choosing, cooking and storing your food while you're camping.
Choosing foods:
For long-term camping trips, your focus should be on foods with a lot of healthy nutrition which don't need to be kept cool. If you are backpacking to your camping area, then food which is portable, such as dried fruits and vegetables, trail mix and chips are often a great choice. Instead of bread, choose crackers and top them with cheese or pepperoni as these don't spoil easily. If water isn't an issue, you can try carrying dried pasta. If you're driving to your campground, then non-perishable foods, such as canned foods, or foods which don't spoil easily, like potatoes, carrots and apples are also a good choice. Don't forget to pack a can opener.
Cooking your food:
The one thing you have to be careful is not to start a brush or forest fire. If you're in a campground which is equipped with fire pits, use those instead of making your own fire on the ground. An even better thing to have is a camp stove or metal container. There are several kinds to choose from including those made specifically for backpacking. Be sure to bring along a cooking kit. Bring your own fuel, if possible, as many areas have restrictions on collecting firewood. Make sure to dispose of your burnt fuel responsibly after its thoroughly cooled.
Storing food:
On a multi-day camping or backpacking trip, you will need to have a way to store food. If you have a vehicle, you can keep a cooler for the more perishable foods. However, if you don't have access to fresh ice, then this will only work for a short time. You can extend this time by freezing your food before putting it into the cooler. There are also electric coolers which plug into your vehicle electrical system, but usually require it to be running in order for them to work. You can also store most non-perishable items in lightweight plastic baggies. Store your food away from your tent and vehicle preferably in a bear-proof container even if you're not necessarily in bear country. There are small, portable versions of these available for backpacking.
Tent camping and backpacking means that you will need to think carefully about what foods to bring. The longer you will be camping, the more you need to plan. If you are thinking of going on a camping trip for a long period, and you don't own a tent or gear, then you will be able to rent them at a local camping supply store. After that, you can start packing your food and be ready to go.