If you have found a nearby country club that you have thought about joining in the past, but you haven't been too sure if it would be beneficial enough to make it worth it, you will want to review the following points.
You Can Reserve Tee Times
Those who love to play golf know that when they venture off to a public golf course, it is a first come first serve type of thing. You might have to wait a little bit before you and your friends can tee off on the first hole. However, this is not something that you would have to deal with if you were to be a member of a private country club that has a golf course. With the country club golf course, you can call and reserve your tee off time. This way, the first hole on the golf course will be clear and ready for you. Also, you will find that you can save money on golf by golfing at the country club that you are a member of. Sure, you have to pay the yearly country club membership fees, but you will find that it is a financial savings if you tend to golf a lot.
Access To A Variety Of Facilities
The exact type of facilities your local country club will have may vary from another club, but you will still have access to whatever it is that they do have. This might include indoor and outdoor pools, sauna rooms, weight rooms, banquet halls, along with many other things. Of course, with something such as the banquet hall, you will need to reserve it ahead of time if you would like a turn to use it for a wedding reception, birthday party, or baby shower.
Easily Make New Friends
There are a lot of social gatherings at country clubs that you will be able to participate in. This will give you an entirely new group of people to mingle with and become friends with. If you were interested in expanding your current social circle, or you are looking for a completely new set of friends, you might be able to find them through hanging out at the country club that you join.
Contact the membership office of the country club, one like Brandy Wine Country Club, that you are interested in joining to learn about the application process and how much it would cost for you and your family to join.