A Few Things You Need To Buy With Your First Gun

If you have decided to buy a gun, there are a few things to think about before heading to the gun store. Most importantly is the reason you want the gun. If you are going to go hunting, do a bit of research as to which type and size of gun would be best. For example, a rifle of some sort is going to work best for hunting. However, if you want the gun for protection, you may want to consider a hand gun. Once you have determined which gun is best for your needs, there are a few accessories you will need, too. Here are some things you need to purchase in order to use the weapon and to keep things safe.


There is no sense in having a gun if you have no ammo for it. Since you will most likely want to do some practicing with it, and get the sights dialed in for your aim, buying a few rounds is not going to be enough. You will want to get a couple hundred rounds and keep them in supply at home. Don't wait until it is time to use the weapon to go to the ammo store.

Ear Protection and Glasses

If you have never shot a gun, you may be surprised at how loud they can be when fired. You need to protect your hearing when out on the practice range. It is a good idea to buy some type of ear protection that can be taken off and easily accessed when you are hunting too. While you need to be able to hear things moving around in the woods, you want to be able to slip the earplugs or muffs on quickly once you are getting ready to take aim and fire. In addition, you should have glasses or goggles on to prevent anything from flying back and hitting you in the eye.


When you are not using the weapon, you need to have some place to store it safely. Ideally, you will have a gun safe or a lockable strongbox. Having a weapon in a drawer or unlockable cupboard is asking for trouble. Even if you do not have small children in the house, if someone ever breaks in, it would be dangerous to have a gun easily accessible to anyone.

Cleaning Supplies

A gun needs to be cleaned after every use. If you don't clean it, gunpowder can accumulate in it. This can cause a misfire in which the weapon explodes in your hands, causing serious injury.

Any time you are looking at guns for sale at local stores, such as Wilcox Bait & Tackle, be sure that the seller is reputable and follows any laws and regulations for the sale. Check with local ordinances, get any required licenses, and be prepared to wait before you can take the weapon home. Buying any type of firearm is a big responsibility.

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Learning About Sporting Goods

Welcome to my website. My name is Neil McDonaldson. I would love to use this site to talk to my readers about sporting goods. Each sport has its own set of gear and supplies used during gameplay. These purpose-built sporting goods are used in a particular way to complete the game objectives. Through this site, I will share information about each type of sporting goods from baseball bats to soccer goals. I hope you will follow along daily to learn all you can about sporting goods used around the world. Thank you for coming to visit my website. See you again soon.


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