Large-caliber firearms can be challenging to shoot accurately because they have so much recoil as gases escape the gun's barrel. You can do some things to improve that, and installing a high-quality stainless steel muzzle brake may be just what you need to do.
Understanding Muzzle Brakes
When you fire a rifle or large caliber pistol, the projectile is not the only thing leaving the barrel when the gun goes off. The gases pushing the bullet out of the gun will also escape the barrel, and when they do, they will cause movement up and back, called muzzle rise. This is the recoil you feel as you fire the gun.
Adding a stainless steel muzzle brake to the end of the barrel allows you to redirect those gases out the top and sides of the brake, changing the way the pressure is exerted on the firearm. An effective muzzle brake will push the barrel down to counteract muzzle rise, and the gases going out the sides help to keep the gun steady from side to side.
While no muzzle brake will stop all the recoil of a large-bore rifle or pistol, it can make the gun more manageable and more fun to shoot.
Muzzle Brake Precautions
One of the side effects of installing a stainless steel muzzle brake on your firearm is a deflection in the noise of the gun. When you do not have a brake, the sound goes out the front of the barrel with the gases, but installing a muzzle brake deflects the sound out the top and sides of the brake, so anyone shooting next to you may find your rifle to be extremely loud.
If you are watching a shooter at the range using a firearm with a break, position yourself behind the shooter and only slightly to the right or left. If you can look over the shooter's shoulder from a few feet back, you will get less noise as the firearm goes off.
If you are approaching the firing range and will be using a muzzle brake on your firearm, try and position yourself away from other shooters to be courteous and respectful to the other people using the range. You may also want to check with the range master when you arrive because some indoor ranges have restrictions on muzzle brakes because of the sound.
Installing a Muzzle Brake
If you want to have a stainless steel muzzle brake installed on a rifle or other firearm, most gunsmiths can help. Take the firearm to the shop so they can inspect the barrel and determine the best size brake and inspect the gun to ensure the barrel is strong enough to accept it.
Once installed, the gun will fire differently, so take some time to shoot it on a range before you use it for hunting to be sure you are comfortable with the way it reacts.
Contact a company like Solvent Traps Direct for more information.