If you are new to gun ownership, you have likely been doing a lot of research. As such, you have probably come across several options for ammo usage, including the popular 9mm round. Between August 2019 and April 2020, 9mm outsold all other types of ammo.
More specifically, sales records show that almost 70% of handguns sold during that time supported 9mm ammo. In truth, 9mm can be used in various situations, but if you are looking to use it for self-defense, you should know how to choose your ammo wisely.
9mm Bullet Options—Choosing the Right Round
You will find that there are 9mm rounds used for various situations.
A frangible bullet should not be confused with a hollow point. Frangible bullets are "soft" bullets that shatter on impact when they hit a hard surface. It is a good bullet to use for target practice or to prevent the possibility of ricocheting while shooting in close quarters. Because they shatter on impact, frangible bullets offer the least amount of penetration and are therefore not recommended for self-defense.
Soft Point
A soft point bullet should also not be confused with a hollow point. The soft point bullet has a "soft" nose on it, which allows it to create a small entrance in its intended target. Once the bullet enters its target, it begins to expand, which causes damage to internal organs before leaving a much larger exit wound. Some hunters argue that they prefer the use of a soft point versus a hollow point, but it is not often recommended for self-defense use.
Hollow Point
The hollow point is the highest recommended round when it comes to self-defense. It is known for its incredible stopping power, and it is designed to slow down once it meets the fluid inside the body. The hollow point is designed to stay inside the target and not create an exit wound, which is especially useful for self-defense. The last thing you would want to do is shoot your intended target and have the bullet exit and hit an innocent bystander.
As someone who is just learning about guns and ammunition, your best bet is to speak with a professional. An expert who sells ammo can give you all of the pointers you need and help guide you in the right direction when choosing 9mm ammo for self-defense.
Contact a local ammunition store to learn more about 9mm ammo.